Train the Trainer – Discovering and presenting the authentic me.

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

Timothy Gallway

To be able to confidently speak in public, give presentations, facilitate sessions, moderate teams, is not something that comes easy to everyone but is a necessary item in today’s Leadership toolbox.

As in a theatre, we are called upon to play different roles in any given setting while keeping our own unique identity.

It takes just 7 seconds for us to evaluate a person and just a daunting 3 minutes where we either win over or lose our audience.

In this Workshop you will be offered the opportunity to develop your skills in a protected environment.

With the help of workshop participants you will have the chance for honest feedback, an opportunity to practice and learn effective presentation techniques in front of a camera with an experienced trainer.