Team Workshop using HBDI Team Profile®

“When you talk to people, you talk to their head, but when you talk to them in their own language, you speak to their heart.”


“A Team is a set of members united around a mission, owning a flow of work and set of outputs, and connected to other teams by what they receive and deliver.”

Robert F. Lynch, Thomas A. Werner, Team Management: Achieving Business Results Through Teams.

This Team Workshop is divided into 4 phases:

Phase 1 – “Me”

Filling out and completing the Thinker Journey online as HBDI® Basic Knowledge.
Your digital profile will then be unlocked and you will receive a printed copy of your profile.
A debriefing session with your HBDI trainer to prepare for the team Workshop will be carried out.

Phase 2 – “Me/You”

Using HBDI® to help with self-awareness as a fundamental part of understanding my contribution within the team.

Understanding myself according to my personal thinking preferences.
How my thinking influences the way I interpret other team members.
Identifying my shadow side to understand conflict.
Defining our team.
KISS action plan with Whole Brain Thinking®.

Phase 3 – “Us”

When we understand the importance of valuing the different mindsets of our team members, we can focus on consolidating our energy on the team’s tasks.

Putting the term team into context.
HBDI® Team Profile Overview – The diversity of thinking within the team.
Different perspectives of the need to assess the qualities of the team.
Strengthening the qualities of the team by identifying areas for improvement.
Personal – and team contract

Phase 4 – “Sustainability”

The need to regularly evaluate the dynamics of our team, to support the teams ongoing development and to keep up its momentum. Taking time to reflect where potential pitfalls are and how to avoid them.