Resilience – Rediscovering your inner strength

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives. Nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Charles Darwin

Have you ever wondered how you managed to overcome a challenging situation when all the odds were piled against you? Or maybe were in awe of others as they overcame the seemingly impossible? On the other hand what were the situations when you felt helpless and just weak, not finding a way out of an unimaginable difficult time?

How on earth did I cope? How might I have coped better? How can I learn to strengthen my resources to help me cope better next time?

Resilience is not something that suddenly happens and appears out of nowhere. It is something deep within each one of us. It appears during times of challenges, uncertainties, moments of instability and abrupt change. Because everyones life experiences are so different from one another, so is the resilience within me.

However, I can learn to recognise the resilience within me. I can learn to rediscover my own inner strength especially in times of need.

In this Webinar/Seminar we will look at:

  • Understanding resilience through dynamics of change.
  • Identifying qualities of resilience in others.
  • Rediscovering my own personal resilience.
  • Learning to strengthen my resilience as an inner resource.