Understanding MY-YOUR-OUR cognitive diversity with HBDI®

“The ability to think is what makes us human. It is our personal everyday miracle.”


HBDI® Profiling helps just when you need it.

HBDI® was developed by Ned Herrmann in the USA, formerly head of management education at General Electric. Since then, more than 2 million profiles have been created worldwide. The HBDI® profile has established itself as a respected personality profile for analysing potential.

The HBDI® (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®) analyses a person’s thinking style preferences through 120 questions. The result of the analysis is value-free. i.e. there is no good or bad profile. The individual profiles form the basis for Individual Pair and Team Profiles.

After a person has completed the questionnaire online, they receive their personal HBDI® profile with explanatory supporting material. A personal debriefing of the profile results is conducted by me as a certified HBDI® trainer and coach. The profile shows the individual where their thinking style preferences lie, what impact this has on personal communication and how to expand their own thinking style to best accommodate and adjust to others.

HBDI Individual – Pair – Team Profiles ®


Individuals are the first to use the Whole Brain® model using the digital self-assessment and Thinker Journey portal. It is an effective tool which can also be used outside of an organisation. It helps participants in their own personal development. To discover how thinking preferences help define personal career orientations. To understand personal leadership styles, or can simply be used for those wanting to understand who they are and how they tick as a person.

An organisation can also deploy the Whole Brain® model, digital self assessment and Thinker Journey throughout their business, as a tool to help define their teams potential through better thinking and self analysis. It always starts with the Individual Thinker emphasizing how their thinking preferences play an important role in defining team and business values. It also helps inividuals discover what stumbling blocks (blind side) might inhibit personal, pair or team contributions.


The Pair profile helps indicate what is needed to work collaboratively as pairs, and how effective communication helps pairs to be aligned. It provides ways to show how working together can complement each others understanding of their own diversity and similarities. This can only provide added value for an organisation.  Thinker Pairs can be anyone from leaders, first line managers, direct reports, salesperson or customers.

HBDI® Pair Profiles is a useful tool to help clarify interpersonal dynamics , optimise cooperation as well helping to avoid conflict both within a professional and private context.


The HBDI® Team Profile provides a basis which accompanies your team on its Whole Brain® journey. As is often the case, there is no single solution for team effectiveness. Depending on the needs of your team, HBDI provides a variety of tools and workshop material to help define your teams challenges and dynamics.

HBDI® helps teams use and understand the talents of its members. This brings about a healthy interaction through improved communication. Teams are encouraged to use their skills appropriately and avoid conflicts of interest by focusing on developing their full potential through incorporating and understanding the homogenity or heterogenity of its members.

The Team Effectiveness Dashboard, for example, shows how your team is currently working together – and what strengths and competencies it needs to efficiently achieve its goals. Workshop modules such as Start Thinking or Think About Teams make the value of a diverse team tangible and provide ways on how Whole Brain® thinking in the long term can become a common team language.