Why Intuitive Leadership Competencies?

“If I create with my heart almost all my intentions remain. If it is with the head – almost nothing. An artist must not fear to be himself, to express only himself. If he is absolutely and entirely sincere, what he says and does will be acceptable to others.”

Marc Chagall 1961 Venice

My Vision

To empower you to have the courage to trust in your intuition, discover ways which enable you to strengthen, develop and sustain your personal leadership competencies.

Mike Bull

Our world is full of rules, full of guidelines and full of regulations. We live in systems, we work in systems and we think in systems. However, it is also important to take time to get back to basics, to the roots. We need to re learn to trust in our own intuition. With the intuitive leadership competencies we get access to our inner leadership strength again. With this strength we focus attention on learning to trust our lifetime experiences which help us make the right decisions at the right time. We become aware of what is hidden within us, what makes us authentic. We no longer have to bend or slip into a role, but lead with natural ease. With access to our intuitive leadership competencies, we are also able to recognise the inner strength of those whom we lead, live, work and who are entrusted to us.

Through my training sessions, I place attention on how to rediscover your intuitive leadership competencies. The sessions help you develop awareness of your existing natural abilities, enabling you to become authentic and confident in whatever leadership roles you are in or undertake.