Can you read me?

Re-assessing communication within a corona age.

One cannot not communicate’ means that humans communicate as soon as they perceive each other. From this it follows that every kind of interaction is communication.

Paul Watzlawick

How do I greet someone I meet for the first time? How do I express myself with a mask covering 70% of my face? How do I compensate for my voice as it is filtered through a material barrier? Am I reading you correctly? Are you reading me correctly? – afterall I cannot see if you are laughing, scowling or just bored!

What about the virtual scene – a voice arriving through headphones or the loudspeaker on my desk. Sometimes with video – faces in front of me on a screen. communicating through a chat function.

I am back in my office hidden behind a plexiglass screen……..

A new reality with consequences that I have not encountered before.

So many unanswered questions:

  • How do I communicate in this environment?
  • How do I communicate effectively?
  • How do I make myself understood in Team – to my Colleagues – to my supervisor?
  • How can I adapt my communication to facilitate these irregular situations?

In this Webinar/Seminar we will look at:

  • Defining what is now different and has changed.
  • It’s simply a greeting – Where and how to start.
  • Understanding non verbal and verbal aspects.
  • Coping within restrictive conditions.
  • How to read each other clearly.