A New Mindfulness – Keeping afloat during turbulent times

“We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts we form the world”


Mind FULL ness or Mind LESS ness

Mindfulness is the conscious perception of experiencing the present moment. This includes: thoughts, emotions, sensory impressions, physical processes and everything – simply everything that happens around you and which falls within your perception.

Within the last year, everything I thought was stable, reliable, controllable has been challenged. 

A year ago, would topics such as life and death or sickness and health, personal contact and keeping a distance been at the forefront of my mind? 

Abrupt change requires me to focus attention on my own mind FULL ness. I find myself occupied with the question; how can I mindfully adjust to this everchanging environment? 

In this Webinar/Seminar we will look at 

  • – The relevance of mind – placing mindfulness into context. 
  • – Discover what is occupying my mind at present. 
  • – Making sense of what is Mindless and Mindful. 
  • – Developing a New Mindfulness approach to keep me stable within times of instability.